How the Begin a New Life Program Came to Be
The BNL program got its start with a young man who was struggling with a personal issue, unable to break free, and seeking mental & emotional relief. But He couldn’t find any … until he remembered a simple, bible-based, transformation process he’d learned from a spiritual mentor months earlier. He went through the process, and the impact it had on him was remarkable: the issue he was wrestling with suddenly loosened its grip and let go—it disappeared completely from his mental / emotional radar screen.
Despite this remarkable experience, the process soon faded from his consciousness … but the memory remained.
Three decades later he returned to the process, wondering what value it might hold for his life as a regular spiritual practice. Over time, what he experienced at its hands was so fully helpful, deeply freeing, and emotionally satisfying that he decided to fashion it into a program that anyone could benefit from. He adapted the process for general use, packaged it as a free, self-guided program, and made it available to the world through this website.
More about BNL and its origins
Origins: The Discovery of a 15-Year-Old Boy
Read the inspiring story of how the BNL program came to be.
Original Insights on the BNL Process
Emanuel Swedenborg describes the BNL process in bits and pieces throughout his writings, and fully in one definitive chapter on life change/repentance. The chapter provides a complete explanation of the BNL process.
Original Study / Summary Outline
The BNL program began as a study of Swedenborg’s definitive chapter on life change/repentance. Follow the author of the program along his initial pathway of discovery, as he opened this study of the BNL process and came to know it in simple, complete detail.

“This is so easy. When I take a really honest look at myself, everything expands, and I see things I’ve never seen before. It’s like many little bits of light coming together to form one big light.”