A Simple, Four-step Transformation Process
Begin a New Life is a deeply effective program of life change and spiritual transformation. It’s based on biblical principles that bridge across all faiths and cultures. There are four basic steps in the program…
Step 1:
Take an honest look at yourself.
Explore deepening levels of self-awareness.
Step 2:
Recognize and acknowledge a need for change.
Identify and own up to a habit, trait, or pattern that is preventing you from going forward.
Step 3:
Pray to God.
Reach out for things you need most for positive change.
Step 4:
Begin a new life.
Abstain from the old life and discover the new. Choose it, live it in God, and keep going forward.
How it works
As you go through the steps of the Begin a New Life process and put them to work, your life is steadily, noticeably, even remarkably transformed. You grow in personal clarity and power to choose, and you rise to new levels of hope and promise that are meaningful and lasting.
The steps of the BNL process are gathered into a set of worksheets. The worksheets guide you through the program and allow you to process personal life-related issues, such as:
The worksheets also help you experience life change fully, deeply, and powerfully between you and a higher power, you and the Divine, you and God, you and the Lord.
Our Sourcebook of reference materials will assist you in the BNL process. You will be directed to different parts of the Sourcebook as you go through the worksheets.
Open your worksheets
Use the Full Version of the worksheets to go through the BNL process in writing or complete it electronically. You will be guided through the process by blocks of information plus engaging, journaling activities & questions. When you come to an activity or question, do the spiritual work it asks for. After you’ve completed the process, take what you’ve gained and put it to work in your life. Enjoy the results.
You can enter information into any worksheet PDF, but in order to save your work, you may need to download the PDF onto your computer or electronic device first, then use the downloaded version. Later, when you re-save your work, the information you’ve entered will be saved along with the worksheets. Experiment with this and see how it works in your browser.
Notes: 1. Any time you decide to print out a set of worksheets, be sure to set Page Sizing (aka Scaling, Page Scaling, Custom Scale, Fit, Fit to Page, etc.) to achieve the narrowest possible side margins. This will ensure that the text and open spaces on the printed worksheets will be the maximum size. 2. If your computer/device has trouble opening BNL worksheets, try installing the latest version of Adobe Reader. 3. If your browser doesn’t allow you to fill in worksheets electronically, try using a different browser.
Already understand the process?
Try the Condensed Version of the worksheets when you’re familiar with the process and no longer need the descriptive information and guidance provided in the Full Worksheets. This version includes only the steps of the process, the engaging activities & questions, and spaces for writing or typing.
Just need a simple guide?
Use the One-Page Version of the worksheets to go through the process in its simplest, complete form. This version includes only the steps of the process plus spaces for writing or typing.

“I’ve looked all my life for things that could help me, and none of them has worked completely or gotten me to the real heart of things. They’ve worked to some extent and gotten me closer to “there”—but not entirely. This process works! This gets me there.”