Enjoy Our Program Together in a Group Setting
Begin a New Life can be even more productive and rewarding when you add the support of a caring group of people. We offer several ways for you to explore the program in a group setting, along with information and materials you’ll need.
We’ll bring our program to you…
Seminar-Workshops for your group setting
You and your group can experience the BNL program together in a full-day Seminar-Workshop. The Seminar-Workshop explains the process to you, shows you how to work it in your life, and guides you through one full experience of it, one piece at a time.
Or lead your own activity with our support
You can lead a group through the BNL process with our full complement of resources. Here are your options for self-run group activities:
Six-Week Small Groups
Our six-week program for small groups can help you and your group learn about the BNL process and put it to work in your lives over a period of time. You can start a small group yourself or join one online.
Weekend Retreats
Experience the BNL process in a group setting at a special destination of your choice.
Morning Retreats
Experience the BNL process in a half-day get-together close to home.
Ongoing Support Groups
Check in and support one another through an ongoing support group.

“Thank you for the Begin a New Life workshop. I feel like I came away with a new, high-quality tool for working on my own personal project called life, plus an instruction book with all the necessary game-winning plays.”