Your Stories
These stories and testimonials are from ordinary people who’ve attended a BNL Seminar-Workshop or connected with the program in some other way, and been dramatically impacted by it.
(See an additional testimonial at the bottom of each page on this site.)
An emotional shift
“In March of 2007 I attended a Begin a New Life workshop. When it came time to work through Step 1 of the process (Self-Examination) we were invited each to find a private place in the building for doing that work. I found a cozy spot next to a window that looked out into nature.
Before I started putting words to paper I felt an emotional shift happen inside me. There was this odd but not uncomfortable feeling that was reminiscent of when I was eight or nine years old. I was still me, but with a pervasive sense of how I used to feel at that age. It was as though I had gone back in time and become that little girl again.
My thoughts were clear as I wrote, and by the time I finished my work and read through what I’d allowed myself to write, I felt as if I’d opened my heart and soul. This experience of self-examination took me to a place within myself that I had not dared look at before. And now, having looked at one key issue in my life square on, I was filled with such a flood of feelings that I barely knew how to handle them.
After I finished Step 1, I came back to the main room to find the workshop presenter. I wanted to ask him if he had any idea of where this process could take a person emotionally, and if he had planned on having psychologists standing by for those of us who might need help with what had just been unlocked!
As it turned out, the remaining three steps of the process addressed what I had discovered and agonized over in the first step. There aren’t words to describe the power and grace that this process has brought to my life, and especially to my relationship with God. I hope that people will be able to trust this process and see what it can bring to their life too.”
Achieving thoughtfulness
“Through the years of practicing the Begin a New Life process, I have seen it change my relationships for the better, especially my relationship with my husband.
Frequently, what has sent me to the worksheets is a niggling sense that something is amiss in my marriage—something I’ve said, done, or am contemplating isn’t quite right. In the process of going through the Steps, my eyes are opened to see that what I’ve been thinking is important, what I believe matters most, or what I want or think I need, is against one of the Ten Commandments. It always seems to start with a wrestling match in my mind, as I’m so sure that where I’m going will make me happy. But then there is that niggling feeling (conscience? the Lord?) that bids me to look further.
Each time I fill out the worksheets, I discover a different way of thinking and a changed outlook on the issue I’m dealing with. Each time, I feel my heart open and soften toward my husband, creating a deeper level of love and tenderness toward him. Along with that change, there’s also a sense that the Lord is present with me—not in a vague way, but as a very real presence in my life, guiding me to a feeling of peace and resolve.
I often think of the BNL process as a sleeping policeman. That’s what the Jamaicans call their speed bumps. Much like those speed bumps, the BNL process helps me pause and be more thoughtful in my words and actions. It helps me in all of my relationships, but most importantly, it frees me to be a more loving wife.”
Finding focus
“As I did some self-examination to see what issues were the biggest in my life, I found that what seemed most important to me was having serious discussions with my daughters about dating and relationships. The problem was that I was always approaching my daughters in a teasing, joking way—avoiding the difficult parts of any discussion.
Step 1 of the process has given me a good approach for seeing false thoughts, rationalizations, and controlling intentions that have been interfering with my relationships. It has helped me see, feel, and ultimately deal with fears of rejection and loss of control. By unmasking the underlying motives, the situation comes into focus as more than just a bad habit. It is the visible tip of an iceberg that is blocking my passage to a better life.”
Prayer for peace and power
“Some time ago I was going through the BNL process and an image came to mind. It was a circle of light. I wanted to remain strong in the change that I’d been working on, and I felt that the only way it could happen was by asking the Lord for help. Although I normally feel His presence when going through the Steps, this time I wanted Him right there next to me—like a small child needing the reassurance of a parent’s closeness beside her. It was then that I saw the circle of light in my mind.
The light was about twenty feet in diameter with the Lord standing in the middle. A soft but bright light radiated down from above in the shape of a cone, with the widest span at the base. I saw myself stepping into the circle of light and standing just in front of the Lord. There were no words exchanged. Instead, there was a feeling of peace, and an inherent knowledge that His power would keep me strong. Since then, I have conjured up that image many times—both when going through the worksheets and when I find myself in certain challenging situations, particularly when I’m caught off guard and am starting to veer in a negative direction. At times like that I feel His power helping me get back on track.”
Clarity through writing
“Since my introduction to Begin a New Life—a mini workshop nearly two years ago—I have resisted the 'writing down' part of the process. But after reading the testimonies of others, I wanted to give it a try.
I have two issues that I’ve been working on using the BNL process, plus one more that I’ve suspected needs addressing; but because of the apparent complexity of intentions involved, I’ve simply pushed it into the ‘too complicated’ category. So my inclination, when faced with articulating things on paper during the recent workshop, was to grab a more straightforward issue to practice on. But I managed to resist that inclination and just go for it.
To my amazement, putting down my thoughts on paper was beautifully clarifying. The way forward is now quite clear and unavoidable. With the Lord’s help I know that it’s possible. My point is that without the process of writing, this wouldn’t have happened.
With all my heart, I thank you.”
-A.Pendleton (Program Developer Mark’s Mom)
Inspired to change
“I want you to know how much I appreciate the resources on the BNL website—from the worksheets to the immensely useful sourcebook. I recently used these resources counseling a man who was looking for a way to overcome his destructive temper. We worked through the resources, and he was deeply touched by the Lord to make a change.
Since completing the program he has truly begun a new life. He has grown in his relationship with his wife, is more interested in his spiritual growth, and has become a committed member of the church that I pastor. Thanks so much for the work that’s been put into this easy-to-use program. It allows the Lord to work miracles in people’s lives. May the Lord bless this work as it goes forward!”