Building Better Relationships
Creating meaningful connections
Who doesn’t have personal issues to deal with or relationship challenges to face and overcome? No matter what your issue or challenge is, we can help. The BNL program helps you identify personal issues & challenges, and it provides tools for facing and overcoming them. It’s an excellent stand-alone program or adjunct to other approaches, treatments, and therapies. The program can be done in a group setting or in the privacy of your home.
The BNL program addresses all kinds of personal and relationship issues, including the following and more:
Anger, Rage, Resentment, Hate
Contempt, Racism, Judgmentalism
Control, Domination, Bullying
Infidelity & Sexual Deviance
Lust, Craving, Compulsion
Lying, Dishonesty, Deception
Materialism, Greed
Marriage & Relationship Issues
Revenge & Passive Aggression

“The Begin a New Life seminar and take-home materials have done more than any book, any counseling, any religious presentation, or any other seminar to set my marriage and my personal, spiritual growth on a good course. To anyone who takes the seminar or uses the materials I say, ‘Go for it, be honest, and dig deep! Your life will be happier and more authentic as a result.’”