Curbing Habits & Disorders

Managing things that hold you back

Maybe you have an unwanted habit you’d like to curb or get rid of, and you’re feeling stuck in a rut. Or maybe you have a recognized disorder that’s making life difficult. Please let us help.

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Clutter & Hoarding

The Begin a New Life program helps you let go of clutter, stop hoarding, or overcome clutter or hoarding addiction. It provides tools for managing these behaviors, making personal choices, and addressing underlying issues, as you walk through a series of steps to recovery. The program can be done in the privacy of your home or in a group context.

The BNL program can help you declutter and/or stop hoarding. It’s also an effective, non-12 Step (non-Twelve Step) alternative to Clutterers Anonymous (CLA).

I’ve gotten more out of this process in the first two months of using it than I’ve gotten out of thousands of hours of counseling.
— G.S.