
You Shall Not Steal
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Resource 1: Secrets of Heaven
Forms of goodness that are related to the commandment on stealing:
Leave people to their own spiritual goods.
Leave people to their own spiritual riches and wealth.
Note: Spiritual riches and wealth are…
Everything that is known about good and truth.
Everything that is part of faith and goodwill.
Everything that is part of spiritual life.
Note: All spiritual goods, that is, everything that is part of faith and goodwill, are from the Lord alone, and absolutely nothing from a person.
Attribute to the Lord the things that belong to Him.
Attribute to the Lord what is His.
Attribute merit and righteousness to Him.
Enter by the door (that is, by the Lord) into the sheepfold.
Have life and abundance in this way.
Enter by the Lord into goodwill and from there into faith.
Note: People enter by the Lord when they acknowledge that everything of faith and goodwill is from Him. Then goodwill and faith flow in from Him.
Therefore, acknowledge that everything of faith and goodwill is from the Lord.
Be in the above essential truth/teaching.
Desire this truth.
Uphold it.
Reason from it.
Let it take possession of your entire self, both your will and understanding.
Let your knowledge of good and truth be lit up by faith and love, thus by the influence heaven.
Be in the truths and goods of faith, and let others to do the same.
Leave others to their own soul.
Let the truths and goods of faith be in a free state to serve the Lord alone.
According to the statutes commanded the sons of Israel by the Lord, a person who has stolen has the following obligations:
Restore “five” for an ox, “four” for a lamb.
Repay or be sold.
Restore “double” if the theft is found in their hand while breaking in.
Resource 2: The Apocalypse Explained
Forms of goodness related to the commandment on stealing:
Be honest in your dealings with others.
Love honesty for the sake of honesty.
Exercise justice in your dealings with others.
Make only lawful gains.
Love justice for the sake of justice.
Do what is honest and just from the Lord.
Be in honesty and morally correct behavior (rectitude, righteousness).
Let the various kinds of good enter and occupy the place that various kinds of thefts once occupied.
Note: These kinds of good relate in general to what is honest, right (morally good), and just.
In other words, be in what is honest, right, and just.
Want (and will) what is honest, right, and just.
At length, love what is honest because it is honest, what is right because it is right, and what is just because it is just.
Love these things because they are from the Lord, and because love of the Lord is in them.
Love the things that come from the Lord.
Thus, love honesty itself, rightness (moral goodness) itself, and justice itself.
Note: These things are the Lord with you.
Note: Since these things are the Lord, to the extent that people love them and act from them,…
To the same extent they act from the Lord,
To the same extent the Lord removes dishonesty and injustice, including the very intentions and efforts of will in which they have their roots,
And always with less resistance and struggle, and therefore with less effort, than in the first attempts.
Acknowledge from faith, and also from intuition, that you do these things not from yourself but from the Lord.
Be taught and led by the Lord.
Be receptive of the Lord.
Receive the things that come from the Lord.
Let your spiritual mind, and thus heaven, be opened to you.
Let the Lord flow in and equip you to see from the light of heaven.
Note: When heaven is opened to people, they come into another light in regard to all things of the church, heaven, and eternal life.
Be an image of heaven as to your spiritual mind.
Look to the Lord for help in shunning what is evil.
Note: It is the Lord who causes a person to shun what is evil.
Look to the Lord’s divine good and divine truth for help in shunning what is evil.
Note: It is the Lord, who is divine good and divine truth, who causes a person to shun what is evil.
Shun what is evil as if from yourself.
Note: Every removal of evil in people happens as if from themselves.
Note: People’s thinking to shun evil and do good as if of themselves is done by the Lord, not by them.
Think from conscience and act from integrity, not from yourself but as if from yourself.
When the love of evil allures and incites, think within yourself that evils must not be done because they are sins against God and because they are infernal.
Shun evils and at length turn away from them as sins, not from yourself but from the Lord, that is, from a love of truth and good that come to you from the Lord.
Note: A love of truth and good is what puts evil to flight.
Think as if from yourself about good and evil, that is,…
That good must be loved and done because it is divine and remains to eternity,
And that evil must be hated and not done because it is devilish and remains to eternity.
Do good because it is good, and shun evil because it is evil.
Shun what is evil from religion and for the sake of eternal life.
Give your consent to the Lord’s covenant.
Note: As part of this covenant, the Lord makes proposals and a person consents and accepts.
Note: Consenting to this covenant means thinking, willing, and doing as if from yourself.
Do good works from the Lord.
Do good works.
Do them in the Lord.
Do them from the Lord.
Do works that are good, not only outwardly, but also inwardly.
Do works that are living.
Do goods with judgment and justice.
By good works are meant everything that a person does after evils have been removed as sins.
The works that are done after evils are removed are done by the person only as if from him- or herself; for in actuality they are done from the Lord.
And all works done from the Lord are good, and they are called the goods of life, the goods of goodwill, and good works.
What a person does before he or she shuns and turns away from evils as sins are works done by the person him- or herself.
The works that a person does after he or she shuns and turns away from evils as sins are works from the Lord.
The Lord and heaven are in these works, therefore they are good works.
After a person shuns and turns away from evils as sins, his or her works are good not only outwardly but also internally;
And the more internal they are, the better they are,
For the more internal they are, the nearer they are to the Lord.
They are like fruits that have a fine-flavored pulp, in the center of which are repositories with many seeds, from which new trees, even whole gardens, may be produced.
When a person shuns and turns away from evils as sins the works that he or she does are living, because everything that comes from the Lord is living.
To the extent that people shun and turn away from evils as sins, to the same extent they do what it good,
And the goods that they do are the good works that are referred to in the Word of God.
The reason for this is that the works that they do are then done in the Lord.
These works are good to the extent that a person turns away from the evils that are opposed to them.
The reason is that to the same extent they are done from the Lord and not from the person.
People who turn away from evils as sins wish to know truths, because truths teach useful service.
To the extent, therefore, that such people learn what is true from a desire for truth, to the same extent they do what is good more wisely and fully.
As an example of the above, judges are charged to do the following:
Make justice their goal or end in view.
Venerate, cherish, and love justice because it is divine.
See God in justice.
Note: Everything just is from God.
Let justice be fair and fairness just.
Note: Justice must be fair in order to be justice, and fairness must be just in order to be fair.
Love justice for the sake of the public good, which is…
That justice may reign among their fellow citizens,
And that those who live according to the law may live securely.
Consult the good of their country by ensuring that justice and judgment reign there as in heaven.
In this way, consult the peace of all innocent citizens and protect them from the violence of evildoers.
As an example of the above, people who manage the goods of others are charged to do the following:
Have religion.
Have conscience.
Act from honesty for the sake of honesty.
Act from justice for the sake of justice.
Be content with what is theirs.
Be cheerful in mind and glad in heart any time they have abstained from fraud.
As an example of the above, traders (merchants) are charged to do the following:
Regard riches as a means of performing useful services.
Serve their country and fellow citizens through trading.
Perform useful services by means of their riches, according to a desire for good.
Wish to know what is true.
Give all credit to the Lord.
Final note:
When people shun evils as sins, they daily learn what a good work is, and a desire for doing what is good grows with them, also a desire for knowing what is true for the sake of what is good;
For to the extent that they know what is true, to the same extent they can perform works more fully and wisely, thus their works become more truly good.
Cease, therefore, from asking in yourself, “What are the good works that I must do, or what good must I do to receive eternal life?” Only cease from evils as sins and look to the Lord, and the Lord will teach and lead you.
Resource 3: Principles of Life
Forms of goodness related to the commandment on stealing:
On the earthly level:
Leave people to what is theirs.
On the spiritual level:
Leave people to their own truths of faith and goods of goodwill.
On the heavenly level:
Attribute what is the Lord’s to the Lord.
Additional forms of goodness related to the commandment on stealing:
Love honesty.
Be in honesty.
Note: Honesty includes integrity, justice, faithfulness, and morally correct behavior (rectitude).
Be in these things not from yourself but from the Lord.
Love them from yourself and for yourself.
Be in your spiritual mind (as compared to your earthly or animal mind).
Consequently, be in heaven as to your will as well as your understanding.
Note: People can’t be in their spiritual mind as to their will unless they shun evils as sins.
Let your understanding be wise from spiritual light.
At the same time let your will to love from spiritual heat.
Note: Spiritual light is divine wisdom, and spiritual heat is divine love.
Let the Lord flow into you from heaven, open your spiritual mind, and introduce you into heaven.
Note: This happens the moment you shun evils as sins.
Let yourself be made spiritual, that is, truly human.
Note: This happens the moment the lusts of evils have been dispersed by the Lord.
Think what is true in your understanding from what is good in your will.
Note: This happens the moment the lusts of evils have been dispersed by the Lord.
Let your will and understanding be united within you.
Note: This is what it meant in Scripture when it says that we must love God “with all our heart, and with all our soul,” and that God will give “a new heart and a new spirit.”
In these scriptures, “heart” means a person’s will and its love, “soul” and “spirit” mean his or her understanding and its wisdom.
Walk in righteousness.
Walk uprightly.
Walk in the way of the upright.
Do righteousness.
Speak uprightness.
Speak the truth.
Let your righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees.
Be in inner forms of righteousness.
Be inwardly honest, just, faithful, and upright.
Be in the Lord.
Be faithful.
Work honesty.
Be perfected.
Let the Lord be in you.
Be perfect as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
Be pure in heart.
Minister to the Lord.
Resource 4: True Christianity
Forms of goodness related to the commandment on stealing:
On the earthly level:
Leave people to what is theirs.
Make only legitimate gains.
Be faithful in paying taxes and duties and in discharging debts.
Laborers, do your work faithfully and honestly.
Traders, be truthful in merchandise, weight, measure, and accounts.
Officers, pay soldiers what is due them.
Judges, uphold the law and admit any evidence that has to do with the goods that others rightfully possess.
On the spiritual level:
Leave people to the truths of their faith.
Priests, teach what you see from the Word of God to be true.
Also what you are capable of seeing.
Enter by the door into the sheepfold.
Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven.
On the heavenly level:
Attribute all power to the Lord.
Attribute all merit (that is, give all credit) and righteousness to the Lord.
Trust in the Lord.
Believe in God.
Additional forms of goodness related to the commandment on stealing:
Read the Word of God, and from it know what is false and what is true.
Regard truths as being of highest importance and value.
Confirm the truths of religion.
Teach what is true.
Establish the truth.
Lead people toward true worship of the Divine.
Carry out priestly responsibilities honestly.